Friday, November 19, 2010

d Time has Come..

Finally, the time has come for (1) final exam and (2) final project.

OMG...i'm already in final semester. one and half year duration has nearly come to d end. macam tak percaya tapi sesungguhnya inilah yang dinanti-nantikan. all things happened (pujian/kutukan/ujian) sepanjang tempoh nie, tak dapat dinilai dengan kata-kata.

rise and fall, but alhamdulillah...semoga semuanya berjalan dengan lancar dan jaya.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

UPSR (my own story)

memori upsr aku bukanlah berapa byk A yg aku dpt tp cerita disebaliknya..

- dedicated to ayah kpd Amy Murni -

tingat lagi hujan yg sgt lebat pd hari pertama exam wat hati kecilku terdetik, boleh ke aku g amek exam atau burn je paper hari ni. kenapa? yg ada di rumah hanya aku, mak dan sebuah basikal (aku hanya org kg yg takde harta bende..yatim lak tu). x mampu basikal tu membawa aku ke skolah yg jaraknya 1km (mau basah gile). alhamdulillah dgn ajakan ikhlas seorang jiran mengajak aku ke skolah bsama anaknya membuatkan aku mampu utk menduduki upsr pd hari itu.
kebaikan itu aku akan ingat sehingga akhir hayat kerna itu lah permulaan yg membentuk diriku sekarang. mungkin dia x pernah terfikir, tp dia lah yg memberi bantuan yg x dpt ku balas sampai bila2. terima kasih Yang Maha Esa atas segalanya...

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Blind Date???

Dilemma of my friend, he befriend with 3 guys but its not a normal relationship juz communicate with them thru sms.

She juz knew 1 guy (A) only bcoz he's from her previous office. But she doesn't like him bcoz he's juz a friend to her, cannot be more than that. And that why she treat him similar as her other collegues and of course becoz he's younger than her.

Other 2 guys still mysterious bcoz she never met them b4. One guy (B) said that he saw her at one place with his friend whom knew her & gave him her's number. But, she didn't hv any idea she been at that place and knew his's friend. Another guy (C) was her collegue's nephew which is 10yrs older than her.

However, She's a kind of gurl that doesn't believe that u could met your soulmate juz knew her/him via chatting, wrong phone number & matchmaker without seeing her/him 1st already but already fallen in luv. And that's why she's not very patient to befriend with strangers without seeing him with her naked eyes.

One day after a long time she never hd blind dates, she hd one with (C) after a week knew him from sms and received juz 2 calls (she hate received phone calls from strangers). She arranged it to be held at place that she familiar with to make it easier for her to went back if anything bad happened. So that moments arrived and oh my God, it couldn't be true. He looked demm older than her (of course 10yrs differ) and she's not comfortable with that guy. He talked a lot about himself, and other things that make her felt 'i want to be alone without him'. But the gud one is he treat her at place that she never been and the cost for 2 pax lunch is $1++.++. She juz ate that food but its not very tasty as the cost of it. So after finished her lunch, she juz make 1 round touring the mall (quater of it) with him and then say Bye Bye. Of course she's thought a lot of reason to escape and the reason is, 'i want to go back rite now bcoz i think its goin to rain, better off now'. So that guy understood and also leave that place. What happened to my friend? She touring the mall by herself and landed with a pair of new sportshoes and a cap. Shopping is a best cure for gurl that hd a air of tension on top of her head.

For (B), she doesn't hv the strength to get thru another blind date. She hd to prepare mentally b4 seeing another stranger.

My advice b4 set for any blind date, make sure ur familiar with a place that u wanna met and asked for her/him photo to avoid a heart attack.

Buat diri-diri yang masih...

Buat diri-diri yang masih sendiri, bersabarlah anda. Yakinlah di sebalik keseorangan itu punya hikmah yang hanya Allah saja mengetahuinya. Meski waktu terus berlalu, namun tak bermakna yang penantian itu adalah sia-sia. Saat perjalanan dalam kehidupan ini adalah pencarian hakikat diri. Justeru, gunakan waktu ini sebaik-baiknya untuk memuhasabah , mentarbiyyah, dan memperbaiki diri, moga ada sinar telus yang menanti di akhir pencarian itu. Bersabar dan berdoalah moga diperteguhkan iman sehingga saat itu tiba. Yakinlah dengan ganjaran Allah di SANA nanti. Kerana hanya Allah yang maha mengetahui segala yang terbaik buat diri kita.

Buat diri-diri yang telah berpunya dalam erti kata yang sebenar, telah menemui teman seperjalanan dan buat bakal-bakal pasangan yang akan mendirikan 'masjid', tahniah diucapkan. Moga bahgia hingga ke akhirnya. Bersyukurlah kiranya anda dipertemukan dengan sang pendamping untuk saling melengkapi diatas redhoNya. Syabas juga diucapkan kiranya hubungan yang halal itu telah menjadi benteng hawa nafsu, bakal melahirkan mujahid mujahidah sejati, meramaikan umat Muhammad penerus generasi rabbani, yang berpaksikan samara (sakinah, mawaddah wa rahmah). Biarkan syaitan-syaitan itu menangis di atas terbinanya sebuah hubungan cinta nan suci dalam rahmat Ilahi.

Buat diri-diri yang masih berstatus kabur (in relationship/ its complicated?), muhasabah kembali diri anda, adakah anda benar-benar telah yakin untuk meneruskan perhubungan itu? Adakah anda mampu untuk menunggu hingga tiba saatnya perhubungan itu diiktiraf halal dengan lafaz ijab dan kabul tanpa melanggar syariatNya? Ermm, fikir-fikirkan. Bagaimana untuk membina sebuah rumah yang teguh andai tapaknya saja sudah tidak kukuh? Wahai diri-diri, jangan dikau terpedaya dengan cinta palsu yang menipu itu. Cinta yang hanya membuatkan syaitan tertawa suka, kerana telah berjaya menyesatkan anak adam. Hingga terkabur mata, dinampakkan yang haram itu halal dan indah belaka . Justeru, sedarlah wahai diri-diri, kembalilah kepada pencarian hakikat diri, moga di situ kan kau ketemui cinta hakiki miliknya Al-Khaliq, kerana itulah sebenar-benar CINTA.

"If you want to build a faithful family,you can never build it on what Allah has stated as wrong and proven false by the way Rasulullah s.a.w has taught us. In every family that stands until their dying day,they have Allah on their side!"

- copy from email from a friend - thanks to d original author -

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Famous Quoate - LoVe

Find a guy who calls you beautiful instead of hot, who calls you back when you hang up on him, who will lie under the stars and listen to your heartbeat, or will stay awake just to watch you sleep... wait for the boy who kisses your forehead, who wants to show you off to the world when you are in sweats, who holds your hand in front of his friends, who thinks you' re just as pretty without makeup on. One who is constantly reminding you of how much he cares and how lucky he is to have YOU... The one who turns to his friends and says, thats her... *unknown*

< I'm still searching for d 'one' for me & hoping he do d same >

Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a teardrop. *anonymous*
< demm rite.. >

Thursday, July 30, 2009

New Episode..

It’s not quite easy (hard? so so) to become a part time student and also an employee. And it’s really tough when I’m taking a different course for my post-grad studies. For the love of nature and to be close to environmental that lead me to get into environmental aspects. To console myself, I always believe that civil and environmental are related (close to each other) as all development leads to a construction and of course environmental aspect need to be taken care to SUSTAIN it.

As an engineer that practice in civil engineering field, I admit that a lot of environmental theme that I’m not familiar with or even heard of it. Sometimes I don’t know what to say during class. “OMG, what are they talking about…”. Of course I need to take it as a challenge and all I need is to listen carefully and try to understand. If still cannot understand it during the entire class..internet is the best solution.

My weekend life right now is fully occupied. I don’t have spare time to climb another mountain or doing outdoor activities or even hang out (applicable for places that far far away). When you left school for a quite time, you need to recharge back your mentality as post-grad system quite different with the undergrad system. That’s why I need to motivate myself every minutes and seconds.. Argh, that’s even tougher..

Family and friends; your love and support help me a lot when I’m struggling and juggling to go to classes, to do some research, to do homework and to do preparation for test/exam. Of course, everyday I pray..”Please God; give me strength to complete all the assignment that has been given and to complete my studies within the time frame given.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

sekadar SUKA-SUKA..

You are a quiet sort of person who is sometimes very moody. You tend to be very perfectionistic which will cause you to always get things done right but will also stress you out. You sometimes have a hard time getting to know or getting along with people but are very faithful, sweet, and kind once others get to know you. You tend be attracted to Sanguines of the opposite sex.

SANGUINE (still don't know who..)
You are the life of the party! You are the happy sort of person who most everyone likes. You enjoy life and look to have fun in everything. You typically are attracted to Melancholies of the opposite sex.